Your locally owned Medical Centre

Providing friendly and quality healthcare from our family to yours

Ka Ora After hours

Weekend /public holiday clinics are shared with other local GP Practices-

Ourside of these hours please contact Ka Ora on 0800 252 672.   This is the NEW rural telehealth service and our new afterhours provider.  - you will automatically be connected to their service if you ring our phone number after hours   They have ability to access your shared electronic record to provide you with  the best of care.   

You will also be able to book after hours video appointments via  their webste - click the image below:

COVID -19 Practice protocols

With Covid now an ongoing risk,  we will be continuing to  work with increased infection control precautions to protect vulnerable patients and staff, and are happy to provide virtual appointments by phone or video platform alongside the usual 'in person' consults. Please let our reception team know what your preference is.     

For routine appointments please expect to be screened for respiratory illnesses as you enter the building,  We appreciate it if you are able to let us know in advance if you become unwell  or have developed  any cold or flu symptoms so that we can manage your consultation appropriately.

We are using phones, email and text to communicate - we would appreciate letting us know if you have updated your mobile number or email address.

Our urgent clinic 8.30-12 noon remains a GP triage clinic.   Please ring us early in the morning if you feel you need review for an urgent condition so that we can manage the available appts.    Any person symptomatic with a respiratory illness will  seen via 'red stream' in the outside cabin.        
If you cannot be seen within in the urgent clinic hours, or we are over capacity, you can book an after hours appt with Ka Ora Teleheath service

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday : 8.30am - 5.00 pm
for Urgent /same day apps ring  from 8.30am to be triaged to avail appts.

After 5pm weekday & weekends             Sat am 9-12 clinics shared with local practices - contact via 07 8632112            KA ORA (0800 252 672)   or click below to book online

Ph (07) 8632112 24hrs

Fax (07) 8637728

Find Us

43 Kenny St
Waihi 3610


Po Box 262
Waihi 3641

Providing Friendly and quality healthcare from our family to yours